my friend n is a'courtin online and got this note from a fella.
'enjoyed reading your profile, i am interested in learning more. when was the last time you been bowling??'
i found it enticing in a cut-to-the-chase hammy kind of way. she thought otherwise, that it demonstrated a decided 'lack of game.'
the lesson: bowling may not be the most appealing first date activity for n but it could be for s. also, mini-golf. also, rollerskating.
as for baseball: not so hot, since folks really care about that and their competitive innards spill out. went on a date last summer with a guy where we went to a minor-league game on coney island. en route en subway the dude asked me for a sip of my water. from my water bottle. he seemed kind of, um, unhygenic, but it seemed rude not to let him drink, it being summer and hot and humid and folks getting thirsty on account of those conditions. so, i passed him the bottle and insisted he keep it since he was parched-er than i. as for the game, he was invested to the point of not much conversation. and i was too since i like baseball mostly (going tomorrow, in fact, to a game unless it rains) and we didn't have much to talk about, so field action was an excuse not to conversate.
that's just one in a heap of excuses not to conversate.
I find your friend harsh.
Bowling! Get your Lebowski on, baby!
I think he's totally got his game on: bowling requires a lack of pretension, an ability to laugh at oneself, and plenty of opportunity for drinking, people watching and random chatting. Sounds like a winner to me.
Just don't share water bottles with bowlers.
oh jc,
what you don't know is that n once went bowling on a date and a guy in the next lane threw a wild ball, would have been a spare, as sure as night turns to morn, and it hit her in the kneecap and she was hobbled for weeks. so bowling has a unique sour taste for her. she is not harsh, i assure you, just as you are not and i is not.
yours in everlasting bowling affinity,
Okay, bad bowling vibes.
But isn't it then up to the woman to say -- hey, I've got a funny/painful story about bowling. Let's meet for a drink and I'll tell you about it?
What _is_ an appropriate first date these days? My wife and I went window shopping on "buy nothing day."
good point, jc, as ever. could be she too was seeking excuses to avoid conversating in her dismissal of the bowler (does he wear a bowler? the meta, the meta, the levels, the la soul, from the soul...). i like your first date - that sounds fun. i'd have to, though, empty my wallet of plastic before i went on such an avventura.
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