Tuesday, October 17, 2006

studio blow

i caught the end of studio 60 last night. honestly, studio 360 is like 300 times better. (now that's comedy!) anyhoo, the show had sting on it. sting—or you may know him as mr. sanctimony in an open nehru shirt in lotus position. how i long for herbal tea, he mused. it seems utterly fitting that sting was on that show cause he is the ne plus ultra of self-righteous and so is every aaron sorkin joint. it's a perfect match. and, in that way, perfectly appropriate material for this here blog's original intent.

other stuff: overheard a young woman, maybe 22 yrs old, chatting on her cellie last night. she said this, 'i think i was just trying to say 'hey' or something like that.'


what exactly is something like 'hey' that is not 'hey'? what are the synonyms that escaped her? was she going for 'yo' but simply could not find the word little bird?


At 11:56 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...


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