Sunday, June 17, 2007

more than a feeling, part two

so, i think i finished that article hanging over me like an eave. it might be stinko. i might not care. it might be only mediocre. i might say, give me the money, yo, i gots shoes to buy and a mouth to feed. it might require editing. and i might say, to hell with that. i haven't done a single summer-ish thing yet this year and i got to...much like someone on the brink of a sneeze. i must actch-ooo.

yes, tonight it's summer. i cooked dinner, had a scotch to celebrate the end of my assignment, and sweated through my shirt.

and meantime while writing i procrastinated here and there by reading....can you guess? craigslist missed opportunities or close encounters or whatever it's called; i read it but can no longer remember (lately i think i might be losing my mind a little, but don't be alarmed). there was one for someone with my name on thursday night which is when i actually had a date and i thought it might be for me. except i don't work for a hedge fund and i'd never even heard of the bar that was mentioned. so clearly it wasn't. for. me. that is.

would you write me a missed encounters? tell me something lovely that only i will know.


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