Sunday, November 19, 2006

top hat bullshit

my movers dropped a box marked 'fragile' and broke an antique vase i bought in budapest which was dear to me. it's true i could be a single mother of 10 in sri lanka or some such, but i'm not, i'm a sometimes unhappy yuppie-wannabe (in the emploi of a nonprofit after all) in brooklyn. and i'm overtired from insomnia and my place is chaotic and no phone service yet. and no internet (i write from a friend's) and my cell service stinks and is in any case out of juice. and i can't find where i packed toothpaste, cell charger, bras, soap, and it all feels way too overwhelming and exhausting. there are no shades/curtains/blinds in my new place and it's too light at night. and what if i can't sleep again? my italian friend called me yesterday to see how it's going. isn't that kind? few of my local friends did that. and that includes folks i've helped move. so now i have beefs, though it shouldn't be quid pro. helen mirren will be on tv soon so maybe that's the salve i need.


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