Tuesday, March 18, 2008


today is the second day in a row i am having occasional headrushes. dizziness. is it because of the anchovy-egg-lemon-olive oil sandwich i just ate at my great aunt's house. ought i have eate something less extreme?

she is 101.5 yrs old. one day, recently, she thanked me for spending time with my 'alte tante.' she doesn't have to thank me for it. it is really my pleasure. she is getting forgetful. she asked more than once at lunch what my evening plans are. when i said i was meeting some friends for dinner, she asked what kind of restaurant. when i said mexican, she asked what kind of food that is (she has never had mexican food in front of me and i'd be shocked if she ever ate it). then, a few minutes later, she asked me a similar battery of questions. then, minutes after that, she said, 'so you're going to have mexican food?'

her memory is not gone but it is a little unreliable. so is mine, honestly, not as bad as hers. or as my landlady's who left a msg yesterday that i had never before complained about something i called to complain of yesterday. which is patently false. i know i did. i also know that she either willfully pretends it never happened. or she is forgetful. for ease of relations i conceded, 'well, maybe i am mistaken and never mentioned it.' it's annoying, though, since there are many little things wrong in that joint and though i've mentioned them all, i haven't been persistent and so she has forgotten about them all and were i to mention again, she'd think i was negligent in waiting so long to mention them.

today on the subway, this morning, a homeless man was asking for contributions so he could get something to eat. i had a piece of fruit in my bag, a snack for later since i've been rising and shining at 6 am to exercise and when i do that, snacks are necessary later on to avoid a case of the crankies. so i pulled the fruit out of my bag and offered it to him. he refused, said 'my friend bobby told me not to take food. you never know if somebody injected something into it. it could be poisoned.' i see his point. instead, i just ate that fruit myself. it was not poisoned. it was, however, regrettably mealy. after the homeless man explained his refusal, another man standing near me leaned in to make a remark about being ungrateful and beggers shouldn't be choosers. but i don't really remember what the man said because he spoke very softly and also he looked so much like boris yeltsin that i couldn't really concentrate on his repartee. but boris yeltsin had he lost about 30 lbs.

one another note...that song 'dirty old town' is stuck in my head. i cannot get it out.


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