Monday, March 10, 2008

unsex me now

yesterday i went to see macbeth. was going to go with my sis but she had to go to a funeral so i asked my good pal, a-l, who is an outstanding knitter, a devoted gardener, an excellent friend. before it started a-l and i were chatting about it and mentioned the lead actor, patrick stewart, and this couple two rows ahead turned around and started chatting with us, asked if we are star trek fans, cause they are, in town from tx and ca for the convention and had just seen stewart that morning. i am not really a star trek person. so when they said that 'data also has done shakespeare' i was unsure who data is. it struck me, though, as funny that on star trek people have national origins. capt picard is french, non? does that ever come into the show? does he like camembert and champagne uniquely? did he pass his bac? (that would be pretty dopey but on television such things pass for character and identification).

when the show was over and everyone was screaming bravo and clapping with their arms above their heads for emphasis, the woman made the sign of the high priest (aka the star trek sign that i know really from mork and mindy).

right now, outside my work building, is a huge group of protesters chanting on behalf of freeing tibet. from here it sounds like they're saying 'out! out! get out damn spot!'

the thing about macbeth is, and this is going to sound about as jejune as it gets, the writing is mind blowing. the metaphors! the lushness! it's incroyable!

that soliloquy of lady macbeth's, the one referenced in the hed, was one we had to memorize in high school, junior yr. i told my friend that, she thought it was awfully provocative for our teacher, who was a strapping old money rebel freckled redhead with whom everyone was in love (boys and girls alike) to have us memorize that bit of all the great bits in the play (tomorrow and tomorrow and that a dagger before me?...boil, boil, toil and trouble...)

and the creepy menace of the witches was such that when i tried to fall asleep late last night i kept hearing sounds in my apartment and worried my own murder was nigh. then i had awful, frightening dreams i cannot now recall. but they woke me, along with a belly ache from some fried chicken on which i supped.

in other news: ach. what other news? if i think of any that is not depressing or trivial i will be sure to pass it on.


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