Monday, May 05, 2008

hilarity ensues

well, i went on a date tonight. it was a long time coming insofar as the fellow and i had spoken seems like weeks ago but time and again he cancelled or postponed. i had inklings of doubt; he is into teepees and sweat lodges. i am openminded but had a hunch two roads would diverge in a wood and one would reach proper bathroom facilities and the other would only reach a porto-pot.

so we met and he was tall and jangle-limbed and rather straight away indicated he was not interested in me romantically, but we could have a drink, and further, if he was not interested and we had a drink then it made sense we go dutch and not that he pay because after all he needs to save for a downpayment. most especially, he said, if we decided to order food, important to go dutch seeing as it's not a date because he didn't want to shell out 50 bucks on a new acquaintance. i appreciated his frankness and told him so.

he was pretty funny, though that might not have been his intention. he believes that the u.s. government engineered the attack on the twin towers. as much as i do not like the current administration, i find that improbable. he said he saw a documentary that said so. i said documentaries can say many things, not all of them true.

he told me that it's very unhealthy to eat cheese or drink milk but didn't want to go into details because i might get freaked out. i told him i drink a glass of milk every morning (it's a fairly new habit and the milk is from organically-grass-fed-good-for-you cows). he said eating dairy stops up the works. i told him, not so, i can vouch. having introduced the topic, he responded to my comment by putting his hands over his face in horror.

he ordered a bison burger (no cheese) and said he was a big fan of buffalo meat. then he said he was macrobiotic, basically. i asked what that means, basically, he said it's sort of yin and yang diet-wise. i neglected to say that such an answer was insufficiently illuminating.

i looked at his earlobes, they were somewhat square and meaty.

he said he doesn't read much. i said that doesn't matter. i said i dreamt i started smoking. he said he has 'been dating mary jane for a long time.' (that is a direct quote and not because i took notes, but how can you forget such a line?)

he said obama was the kind of democrat a republican like my father would love. i said my father is a democrat.

he said when he called to postpone the other day and said it was because of work, it was a lie; really he had scheduled another, different date and quickly figured out a twofer might be overdoing it. when he suggested to the other gal that they go to see godard's breathless, she walked to the cinema but then said 'oh, i think i'll pass, but you go ahead, enjoy!' and he briefly thought of calling me after all. i don't remember what i said but thought, yes, going to a movie on a first date is not my druthers.

he drank guinness. i drank scotch.

what an absolute riot.


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