Thursday, October 30, 2008

by jorry by jingo by gee by gosh by gum

why talk of beauty? what could be more beautiful than those heroic happy dead who rushed like lions to the slaughter. they did not stop to think, they died instead. then, shall the voice of liberty be mute?

that's all from a poem i once memorized.

and i was thinking, on account of my dislike of the 'impacted' about all this talk of socialism and how obama is a socialist and oooohhh - that's so scary! socialism!

i was reading the closed CNN or maybe a Fox caption at the gym while listening to npr on the ipod and there was some bit from the man who plays joe the plumber yammering about how this is a democracy and we don't want to turn socialist, goddamit! here's my american flag!

except that socialism, as you and i know, is an economic model, not a political one and you can be both democratic and socialist. it's fabulously complicated. too complicated for him to get right.

it makes me sad and angry that our public discourse is not even at elementary school level. it's like nursery skool or daycare.

i got to nap now and have some juice. not in that order.


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