Wednesday, June 14, 2006

sublime in evening, ridiculous come morning

went to see radiohead last night and it was just about as fantastic as you could hope or imagine or expect. in the iconology of m:

i <3 radiohead with all my <3.

then at the gym this morning they play music, as gyms unfortunately insist on doing, and what do i get as my 7 am lullaby?

meatloaf, overwrought and overweight, crooning 'i would do anything for love...but i won't do, i won't do that'

and what, pray, is 'that' that he won't do? the coy bugger never does say so i started wondering: oral sex? condom use?

but before i started thinking too much about it the very next chanson horribilus came on...the theme to friends. is that even allowed on radio? good motherfucking god. that lot of drek should be outlawed.


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