Wednesday, March 21, 2007

they're back...

computer woes. i haven't had internet at home for coming up on two weeks. and i called my dsl provider and then my wireless router maker (devil—thine name is dlink) and then my dsl provider and they did in fact help me. but they could not help me get the wireless router to work. stupid story short—i am wireless-less now and it's okay because when i got my router i quickly learned that it had a wee signal and i could not check my internet in my 'office' cause the router signal did not go that far (and the outlets and jacks in my apt are few and stupidly placed). so the router was a big fat waste of money. that money could have gone, for instance, to a sorely needed new undergarment or some comfy arche sandals, which as you are my witness will be mine soon enough.

now i'm back to dsl and i guess when i go online, it'll be at the dining room table. with the licorice box and the almonds and the blood oranges tempting me.

anyway, that's all a lot of boring boring, but i woudn't even be able to tell you that boring boring if not for dsl.

not too much else to tell these days. i guess i'll just go to sleep and hope for better dreams.


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