Monday, April 30, 2007

apparently, i heart nate

so, i've had sex dreams on two consecutive nights. well, they weren't exactly sex dreams, more make out dreams. i don't remember the first one too well, who it was i was frenching. but the second one—well, that's indelible: nate from 6 ft under.

and i was 3 ft high. and rising!

here's what: in the dream we thought we'd give this boyfriend girlfriend thing a go. and he picked me up, like an adult carrying a child, so my face was right in front of his (maybe the height differential accounted for the pick-up or maybe there's a freudian thing happening but i don't have the clever to figure it and also i don't really care this minute) and we tried to kiss a little, pecks really, on the lips, but there was no chemistry (which in no way would way be true in real life; peter krause and i would certainly get it on). so we agreed to be friends, and he put me down and then maya, the tyke on 6 ft under was running around and we chased her.

can't hardly wait to know what tonight will bring.


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