Saturday, March 01, 2008

last night i had the strangest dream

that is true but is also a song lyric yet i don't remember from what (i think it might be a pete seeger thing or someone of that ilk, it's definitely an antiwar song because later there's something about 'put an end to war'.)

my dream: i was on the first day of a new job on some kind of radio show, a news show, and there were two women there who were in charge though it was unclear if they had been on this gig for a long time or if the whole show was new and they were its senior producers.

none of the new staff had designated positions yet, as far as i could tell. it was like we were jockeying for position or simply being told on the spot what our role that day would be. anyway, the more senior of the women, who was 28, asked if anyone had an opinion about how hillary clinton is being treated in this presidential race, how she came to be a pariah in some quarters, and i did. so, with her permission, i launched into my explanation, aquitted myself well, i thought, and with heaps of passion. when i finished the more junior of the women, who was condescending subtly said only, 'you rambled.'

felt like an audition.

something i just thought while in the wc, more related to courting, or, more correctly to sexual exchanges: why does the word 'john' both mean someone who visits prostitutes and a toilet? and do you know anyone who ever uses that work in the second context, because i can't think of the last time i heard someone i know say 'i need to use the john.' i'm more apt to say 'i have to go to the toilet.'

come to think of it now, i can't think of the last time i heard someone i know use the word 'john' in the first context either.


At 11:34 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you thinking of "Joe Hill"?
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night . . .

At 11:39 AM EST, Blogger Sara said...

Joe Hill -- you mean Stephen King's son? I don't get the reference. Or is that the song title? Maybe, I don't know.


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