Monday, February 11, 2008

saint val

that time of year again, right: romance, red window dressings, chocolate, kisses, arm tugs. on the subway yesterday was a young couple really earnestly gazing into each others' eyes, so besotted, but so self conscious about their mutual adoration. i was trying to read but this was so much more entertaining. in between kisses on the mouth, they would trade kisses on the cheek, high up near the ear, as if whispering a secret.

today i was trying to remember the name of the british guy i went out with last summer. i plum could not recall. still can't. something ordinary. did i even ever write about that? no reason to now. he was very explainy. everything was explained and explained. he wore his belt pulled up high, not one for the baggy panted look he. plus he really wanted me to try whatever it was he ordered and i really didn't want to and i was very afraid he was going to try to feed it to me. i am not that kind of gal, where i want a date to feed me food. he is the kind of guy who would think that was the living end in love matters.

anyways, neither here nor there or anywhere in between here and there. i had a date tonight with a fella, very nice, very sweet. it was our second date. i ate pad thai.

which reminds me of a joke my friend's twin used to say. in high school (so you can understand its sophistication)

'el-e-vate-or...i don't even know her!'

get it? works with any word that ends in 'er' or 'or' except or. used to think that was priceless.

my super super called the other day, i'm on the fence about whether to go out with him again. he's interesting and sweet but i hestitate. oops, some song by gorky's zygotic m...just popped into my head and i think i must go listen.


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