Wednesday, August 30, 2006

procrastination, thy name is slush

because i have a revise of an essay due by the end of the day and am way behind schedule (please, reader, pronounce in the manner of the british) i figure, why not post a post right now. this week has been a whirlwind. not datingwise. not anything specialwise. just that i went away last weekend for a big birthday party family celebration thing which was a true ball and delight and the only thing missing there was j my sister who couldn't make it cause she's west coast, like snoop and dre. i'm more like tupac. sometimes we throw gang signs.

anyways, my niece and brother and i went canooing (canoe-ing?) and sang songs along the way. we went contra dancing and worked up a sweat. we played parcheesi (which i recall being spelled as parchese) and i won but nobody got sore about it. we sang new york, new york while my 100 year old aunt and my father waltzed around the living room because there was no other music available. we ate good food but not such good cake.

and then i came back to work. and was a crank on monday. but then my mood perked up because tuesday rolled around. and even though i had terribly stressmaking dreams about nothing much but they woke me up in the middle of the night, my mood perked, that's tuesday's magic. and it perked again today because i went running at 6 am and did laundry and washed dishes and ate breakfast all before i got to work. and also because i'm gearing up to write my automatic 'i'm away and not checking email' note. uh-huh. that's right. off to spain. manana (reader, please pronounce as manyana).

my friend m who lives in boston is fluent in spanish and portuguese. i asked her for some phrase translation which they don't give in lonely planet:

can i have some more sangria please?
do you want to come to my hotel room?
i don't have a condom, do you?

when k was here last week i went to meet her at her hotel (to be pronounced, reader, in the manner of the french, a la 'oh-tel') and it was one of those boutique joints on thompson street and guess what? they upgraded her to the suite. which was as big as a one bedroom apartment with two full bathrooms and a terribly delish blondie bar on the pillow (k is so fab, she gave it to me and then she took me to dinner). and she went to thank them for the upgrade and they told us (which is really kind of indelicate of them but whatevs) that that room goes for 1500 smackers a night. so k called up axl rose and they trashed it.

oh, sweet child of mine.


At 4:24 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you think Axl has a blog?

At 4:26 PM EDT, Blogger Sara said...

i do think so. wonder what he writes about.

At 6:29 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have fun in Spain. Sounds like Europe will never know what hit it when you girls hit the continent.
Bon voyage (pronounced bon voyage)

At 3:19 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't know about spanish for condoms. but in french its capote anglaise, English overcoat.


At 11:41 PM EDT, Blogger Sara said...

apparently it's preservativo.


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