Wednesday, August 23, 2006

hellz bellz

jc, my good friend and in this case, actually, my savior or at least guardian angel, sent me a note about a blog on the jane magazine site about dating. now i am not, let me repeat more emphatically, NOT, telling you to read it cause it's kind of competition to moi. also, it's kind of stinky—so cheerleady or cheerleadish or whatever is the adjectival form. and much as i encourage pals and sometimes even enemies (which reminds me of a ww2 propoganda film i once saw called, "know your enemy, japan," its racism is mindblowing. and reminds me of david mura whose memoir and poems i dug a lot when i read them but they might in fact be a tad melodramatic. let's give him the benefit of the doubt today, since i'm feeling generous, and say no, they're actually quite good; read them), i cannot heartily encourage this.

the germane point: that competing blog (there must be many of them out there) has none of the zip of an unofficial blog and all of the treacle.

the gauntlet's thrown, then, inn't. know this, rival: we will throw down, you and i. you will be vanquished.

to wit: i had a date last night too. so there. and, it was fun. ha ha! just a coupla beers in a coupla hours followed not by any coupla-ing. a first date. a smart guy. he had a great laugh. it was a little high and giggly and sort of reminded me of the father of a friend of mine (i think that's who it reminded me of; it's hard after a few decades to remember the sources of all the different registers of laughter). who knows if i'll see him again. i've stopped trying to discern these things. this week that seems true. and liberating.

jc. i owe you a beer for your concern. quoth my landlord, have a blessed day.


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