Tuesday, August 08, 2006

nostradamus, we hardly knew you

i was in a pretty good mood this morning, except for this odd cough i've developed in recent days (call me calamity jane, sir), been working hard, eating well, going for good runs in spite of the wheeze.

but then—

shortly before the end of the day i read an excerpt from an article by bernard lewis about how august 22 could be a terrible day in which nuclear disaster is visited on israel and also maybe visited elsewhere, like my home country. and he gave some kind of rationale based on islamic history for it. sometimes i am romantincal. sometimes hypochondriacal.

today i am little other than impressionable. and freaked the fuck out.

if you had basically two weeks to live, what to do because the fact is that all the stuff i want to do can't be done in two weeks. some of it takes a longer lifetime than this one here lived so far. and does it all come down to a bomb? maybe. but it's all so trifling and ultimately inane. maybe even more inane to expect ends to be anything but that. oh, my penny ante philosophizing has given me a wheeze.


i wonder what kid rock makes of it. not to mention kid and play.

so now i make a feast. pasta with olive oil and garlic. buon appetito.


At 10:44 AM EDT, Blogger Sara said...

wall street jrnl. bernard lewis a neocon? that i don't know. i only know he's kind of an expert on islam but also went head to head or mano a mano with edward said once upon a time. his writing on the history of islam which i had to read in college and grad school was pretty good stuff. he must be old by now. but aren't we all.


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