Friday, November 02, 2007

how d'ya like me now?

saw my super super on my way out this morning, he was at my house to do something or other. i waved hello, since he was on the phone, but am a wee dressed up, even put 'ladies. [pause] mascara' on my eyes (who can name that quote? i know at least one of you can.) then on the subway, well i got on the wrong damn train, and was sitting in a corner seat and this guy across the aisle - that is, we were sitting the same direction but with a door gap between us, said hello. see, i know this guy, friend of friend, playwright, smartie-pants type, nice. run into him regular on the subway wherein regular is every 11.77 months. we have the same conversation--how are you? where do you work? where do you live? and then when i stand to leave he says, you look good, did you lose weight?

which is funny because of my super asking if i had done the reverse last week. and funny because that's always been a minor irk, when someone says you look good and asks if you lost wgt, that old implication that before you didn't look good, even if heavier. there are other questionable implications about that too, i think, but i don't remember what they are and also, who cares? it's friday! and i have heaps to do.


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