Wednesday, September 19, 2007

thus and such

been getting up every day before dawn to exercise and then to work and then after work more work, freelance work, and right now on this here wed-nes-day i feel like i'm about to crash out, flat out, as if jetlagged and in a daze and hungry and that autumn malaise is tickling the bottom of my intestine.

and listening right now to the song 'upward over the mountain' which i think at this very moment is the most beautiful song ever. i mean in the history of this year and last year and the universe and infinity.

going to see ian mckellan tonight as lear! lear! you hear! saw chris plummer in that part a couple of yrs ago. he was good. this isn't about dating at all. not at all.

what's there to say about dating anyway? not a whole lot. some dates are good. some are bad. some men are fun to kiss, etc. others are not. really, really not though they think they are (and it's a pity and crime that they think so and i've wondered how do you tell someone... 'please, less forceful, it's not very fun this and i don't like the tongue-equivalent of a gym-sock rammed down my throat' without seeming like a jerk). some people go dutch on a date. others don't. some people like to be picked up for dates. i don't know those people particularly and i don't think it's ever happened to me. i think that would be nice. it would also be nice if a date brought me flowers. do you know, that in my whole entire history of dating, nobody has ever brought me flowers? i mean, that's kind of a stinker. but they've me brought me other, music, books, that counts too.

last night i got a call from a harris pollster. first he asked if any grown-ups were home. when i said 'i'm a grown-up, i'm home,' he said, 'oh, you sound young.' then he asked me the last time i bought a car. i had to tell him, 'i never in my life bought a car.' he couldn't believe it. then he asked me when i might. i said. 'when i move somewhere which doesn't have good public transportation, which is not, as far as i can tell, imminent.'

that was it. i think his poll questions were about cars.

i did have a car was given to me. but it was a lemon. i had to give it up when the mechanic said it would explode while i was driving and kill me. i mean, you don't have to tell me twice. fool me once and such.

my waiter texted me. i don't really like texting. but he doesn't have email or if he does, i don't have his address. it hurts my fingers to text. hurts them to type too. so i'm audi!


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