Wednesday, December 20, 2006

just a shot away

i'm in california now, up in oakland after a few days in san diego, the last of which was spent with my great aunt and her husband, a very imposing man who seemed to talk at me for many hours and if you asked me about what, i'd have to tell you that much of it cannot recall. it's like listening to an endless recitation of the alphabet, backwards and forwards. except one thing: twice, before dinner and again at breakfast, he spoke to me of the urgency to find a new career because down the road nobody's going to be able to take care of me and i need a big nest egg to do as he and my aunt have done and a) buy a new mercury grand marquee every year or so; b) travel to 91 countries in the world and every state capital too (little rock's the best in his subjective to me but omniscient to him opinion); c) live la vida loca however one defines it.

so, he advised me that i get outta my line (not that he actually knows too much what that is) and consider a career change.

to what?

is the suspense killing you yet?

how 'bout now?

well, to being a dental hygienist, of course.

how i laughed and laughed on the inside at that unforseen and delightfully ridiculous suggestion and on the outside was earnest and said, hmnn, yes, interesting idea. i nodded my head in time. one two one two. one. two.

dental hygienists, he seems to think, make good money. they have benefits. teeth always need cleaning. or,if teeth aren't my thang (and they're not, professionally-speaking), he suggested, maybe i could 'take a course or two' and become an executive secretary. right. not actually an executive. or a dentist. or an executive dentist.

good points--nest eggs and all, and good intentions, if without relevance to my reality. i reminded him that i'm the kind of gal who actually wants to care about her work too. and much as i'm a good typist...steno leaves me unmoved.

hey, me and my sis saw the departed tonight. and it was not fantastic as i had been told. it was a little long and entertaining enough. the boston accents were through the roof. which is on fire. we don't need no water let the motherfucker burn, burn, burn motherfucker burn. yes, a lot of cursing in that picture. but it gave me new love for dicaprio, who's been on my last nerve since after gilbert grape and reaffirmed my love for marky mark. but guess what hollywood? rolling stones songs as gangland soundtrax are uninspired. predictable. and not everyone from the bay state talks like a parody of southie.

so, that'd be that. rat a tat tat. for tonight. and you can have your grand marquee cause i'm audi.


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