Wednesday, December 06, 2006

glorious! deluxe!

quel week! sunday night i did something i ain't never done—totally absolutely utterly completely discarded a story i had due on monday and i did this by accident. was it a subconscious desire to discredit myself? was it a call for help, for a way out? no, it was a simple accident. it was fatigue.

but the miracle was this and it's multi-sided. i did not panic. i did not stomp around and curse and get too angry. i mean i was not happy and i was shocked at my stupidity, but i was also a little resigned and thought after all, not such a big deal in the scheme (like the time i was in a doughnut shop on the lower east side and that cher tune came on 'i believe in love after love,' and i said to my pal, 'i hate this song,' and the dude behind the counter said, 'you hate it? i mean, there's famine, disease, war...those are things you might hate...but this song?' have i told this story before? if i have then i am filled with apology to you, my reader) then i quickly jotted down points i had hit so that i could recreate the sucker the next day. and then i got up the next morning at 5:45 am and did not get to work but went to exercise to clear my head and then got to work and did, in fact, recreate the sucker by noon. sometimes working under the gun makes me industrious.

except, where's the dating at? got to jumpstart that shizz. i might be getting lonelier.

this morning i'm not at work, but am working, from home but from home cause i got me a new fridge and a new stove. and they're nice. and i put the magnets on the fridge. they look so at home. and i am excited; it sometimes truly is the little things in my little life. my new landlord is nice. but so is my old one. she called me this morning to tell me she was sending along the remainder of my security deposit and we had a nice chat. i think she's partial to me because 'you come from a religious home' and truth is, it's not that religious but we see what we want, n'est-ce pas?


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