Sunday, January 14, 2007

this girl has cried for me

and i have cried for her. that's not a reflection of what i feel currently. it's a lyric on a song by dean wareham and britta whatever-her-last-name-is and it's very ripe for use in some new wave french film about a love that cannot be. it makes me feel like i wish i was in an impossible romance so i could make that the soundtrack but even then it would be overwrought and therefore trivial. sometimes i like that record a lot, i think it's called l'aventura, but it's a little much today, a trifle trop, in keeping with the french motif.

very exhausting period in life right now as i go off this afternoon to help out an elderly relative who is feeling quite unwell. makes some things feel very unimportant, trifling, and others become vital.

a bientot.


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