Sunday, July 08, 2007

spending and earning

a title eerily similar (malomar?) to that and fu*%ing...that every news outlet seemed to grin childishly at not printing its name when it came to town. so to celebrate the weekend, to compensate my lack of wearable clothes, to console my having to work (well, starting to) on a sunday aftenroon, i bought myself some kick ass foxy dresses this weekend. and then wore a less foxy but still quite nice number yesterday. and had a date in the evening. feels like a long time since i had one of those. dates (i like medjool. what about you?) and we went to a bar of my choosing. on perry street. in manhattan. a place where i once had a birthday party during august's dog days and the a-c broke down and we were all sweating into our drinks and on the small of our backs.

how i love summer.

and on my date last night the fellow, he being the fan of movies i cannot imagine watching even under duress, said he was going to be impetuous and kiss me. cause we met online and i said i like the quality of being impetuous and dutiful soul, he obliged. and then he kissed me. and i kissed him. and it was pretty fun stuff. but the thing of it is that i like the bar where we were and now i feel a wee embarrassed to return. i was not as, uh, cherchez la femme as i was in a different bar some years ago (where a fellow passed me a note while my date was out of sight telling me he thought i was 'amazing' which must have meant he liked my low cut dress and my french skills, mais oui!) but still, sucking face at the bar ain't no way to be in the land of oz. or is it?

my date, quite a nice guy really had reread my online ad before we met and had incredibly hilarious and specific questions for me based on it. like a job interview. downright punctilious. asked if i had noted certain things he'd written. i hadn't partly because i read his profile a while ago and the mind only has room for so much words and partly because it didn't offend me; it was rather unremarkable but not in a bad way. just in a nonmemorable way. ya digable planet?

i digress. and regress. it's that duress.

tuesday, s and i head to another dating hoo-hah. this one sponsored by a public radio station. should be full of bleeding hearts and feist fans. but that's sure better than folks who utter incinerate in the same sentence as people.


At 2:38 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

like the kissing bit, like the hilarious bit, but if the kissing means you can't go back to the same bar, does it also mean you don't want to kiss him again? at least you had fun and looked super-cute.

At 2:43 PM EDT, Blogger Sara said...

hiya jenny,
i'd kiss him again. he was a good at it. said i was too. some peoples' way to their hearts is via the stomach, mine is via compliments on my mad kissing skillz.

At 6:36 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would kiss you anytime gladly. would be exciting to kiss a new person every now and then. not that the same old is bad...just sometimes, one yearns for...EXCITEMENT!

glad to know you got an a+ in kissing, though.


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