Monday, February 09, 2009

this one's for jack

on account of his fast-twitch google reading and he caught me having deleted a post today and i deleted it because i explained i am trying to look inward. hey! i started yoga! i dig it. i dig focusing on a single thing like is my knee aligned with my ankle while i reach heavenward with one arm and try to make sure my back is parallel to the wall.

but here's another thing. valentine's day, that's what i wrote about before i erased my post. i don't like that holiday. never much have. it's so stupid it is stoopid. and i think cards that are shaped like hearts ought to be anatomically accurate. and they should never feature a lace border.

what are my valentine's plans? a concert, maybe, that a friend is performing. maybe a drink. maybe a piece of chocolate (i just had some to get ready). just today the doc listened to my heart with her stethascope.

part of me is cynical and part is hopeful. more of me is hopeful than cynical. i don't think that makes me less profound than someone with the opposite ratio. that's why movies like the wrestler annoy me - or rather, why the attention lavished on them vs the attention lavished on a movie like happy-go-lucky bugs me because there is an implication that joy is shallow and uninteresting. i am unconvinced that sadness is profound while happiness is a sign of idiocy. happiness is not naivete or ignorance.

anyway, in me these two parts - the sometimes cynical more often optimistic do battle, but the sort you find on dancing with the stars. sometimes it is a rumba, sometimes a cha cha, occasionally a waltz and from time to time a jig.


At 4:38 PM EST, Blogger Mr Crosson said...

Ah, name checked on Swell!

Well, I think I already told you that I'm not a big fan of V-Day personally and I have to tell you it's worse with kids.

Remember how writing things out was a punishment? Imagine trying to get a kid to write out 25 names. Imagine doing this for more than one kid. It's torture. For them and for me. And the kicker is that it's supposed to be "fun."

F--- that. Fun would be only writing two or three to the people you like, and sending them anonymously. Boo hoo, someone's feelings will get hurt. Grow up, you damn six year olds!

At 4:43 PM EST, Blogger Sara said...

That's true! The world is a cold, tough joint and the sooner a child learns that, the less he will cry (maybe) as an adult at the tiny injustices he witnesses all around him as well as at those he experiences in his own life.

But I like this anonymous Valentine's notion. I might invoke it.


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