Thursday, January 18, 2007

thar, on the bluff!

mister 'make me tea, woman!' wrote me an email. lemme paraphrase:

ola slush,

pls forgive me as i broke my rule and failed to call the day after we got it on. but hey! better late than never! wowzers! what a ball (tee hee) i had meeting you. you are so superterrificmarvy and, girly, great rack too! bravo! messin' around was too! much! fun!...there outta be a law!

but on the romance tip, well, you and me kid, we're not headed to inspiration point. but here's what i'd luv. let's be friends, how bout? but let's also get down, get down, from time to time.

gotta run, my soul patch needs a trim! cheers!

but here's what i note: he did not actually call all those days later, he typed an email. i replied—'sure, fun.' and 'i too am not romantically inclined this time,' but with some existential musing thrown in, a la, 'doesn't it take more than one meeting?' and 'i'm not trying to convince you or me for a second go but just thinking out loud.' and, reader, outside the box. i could make an incredibly lewd (even for me) comment here but i won't. or did i just?

anyways, as for friends, i said, 'right on. grab a beer, chew a beer nut, whatever you like. but thanks no to the nookie, pal joey. been down that road. it's got potholes.'

and as my uptown girl l pointed out on the telefono, friends with exactly does that differ from most relationships?

ain't heard from him since. is it possible he lied and didn't wanna be friends after all? goodness! did he only want a booty call opp. i'm not against those, but you had damn well better be a good kisser if you think i'm going to pick up the receiver.


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