title for post
my super super called me last night. idle chit chat. then he tells me i must see the floors he refinished in the apartment below.
'are they nice?' i ask.
'they are beautiful,' he says, 'just like you, slush.'
now that's a nice thing to hear after what he said the other day. and then he made a date with me. which i am mixed about going on, cause he's my super and what if there's a problem, i mean in the apartment, and we fall out and he tells the landlady to evict. i guess the underlying note is that i don't really see it could go anywhere (not least because he's anglican and believes in hell and i am a j and so i think in his calculus am going there for shizz; and yet i say i'm openminded re dating but then maybe i'm not really as much as i want to be and also, why do all the blue collar dudes like me but the intellectual ones i can't seem to go out with?).
but anyways, i suggest a thursday night, and he says
'don't you go to work on friday?'
i respond yes, i do. and he continues,
'well, what if we have more than one beer, or we have beer and then some wine, like if we have dinner.'
and i say, 'yes, well, i can do that, all of that, and still go to work on friday—done it before, and i bet a grand i will again.'
and he asks again, 'you sure, i mean, we might have dinner, some beers.'
reply i, 'yes, i am sure. i can do that, drink more than a beer, drink wine, stay out after dark, and still go to work on friday. but you sound like you are not sure you want to meet on a thursday. if that's so and you'd prefer to meet on a weekend, that i can do.'
and so a date was made; except being the 'busy lady' i am, as my great auntie puts it, i gots no weekends free for some weeks. but i do wonder if i should cancel this whole thing already. i'm feeling utilitarian more than i am feeling carefree.