Friday, February 29, 2008

irony—not just a river in egypt

for some reason that headline struck me briefly this morning, as i carried a load of laundry to drop off, as funny. now it doesn't seem so very. and, why write this anyway and who reads it anyway. procrastination is an answer to question one.

jesus christ almighty!

that's what my mother or maybe it was my father used to exclaim when they were hot-red mad, sometimes at each other for: not making dinner, which would have been my mom angry at my dad since his hours were more flexible and she for much of my childhood didn't get home from work until 6 and then if no dinner was ready or table wasn't set she'd have a fit. i can't remember a specific recurring event that would spark my father, except coming home midafternoon to find his kids watching television. then he'd yell something like 'turn off that idiot box! go outside!' one time i was watching nighttime drama, this was in high school, and he was working in the same room as the television; he had three computers or was it two, set up side by side, one for a hebrew translation of some text, one for an arabic translation, and then the english version, and to avoid disturbing him, i plugged earphones into the tv and watched the drama, thirtysomething, about three feet from the screen because the earphones had a shortish wire. and of course, that melodrama always made me weep or even sob cause i am soft, like turkey, but that's a different story, and so there he was doing his esoteric thing and i was crying at the prospect of a character's illness and he really got mad at me then and seethed something like 'if you want to know about horror in the world, read the newspaper but don't get sad over some soap opera when there are real things to cry over!'

so i did. and i do.

yesterday, for example, i read about how in italy there is now a law or an ordinance or some such wherein a man cannot publicly touch his crotch, which is, apparently, done as some superstitionally related gesture. they are advised to wait until they get home to lay hands. seems like sound thinking, but does it need codification?

something else: i went to a concert last night. it was okay, not great, it was in a masonic temple and i looked for clues of that, though dunno what those clues would look like. but apparently you can smoke in masonic temples. and people did. not me. but now my coat reeks. but the other part of that is that some time ago, maybe two months or three, i got an email from a guy, a philosophy grad student, who wanted 15 minutes of my time. i didn't know what for. did he want to talk about work? about possible friendship? and i agreed to meet because i was in a good mood and curious; i am usually curious. and he came a long way (well, from very very far uptown but told me he gets his best reading done on the subway) and we met and had a coffee and he wanted to know how i define jewish culture. which i found, oddly, to be hard to answer, too big maybe, and i started down a path of answer and everything i said, he dismissed as passe or irrelevant, which made me think, what is culture generally, what is a living definition, beyond a list of examples, that can stand apart from earlier manifestations of culture, that is, books, music, art historical movements, religious thought? what is the platonic 'ness' of culture? to me it seems that culture (whatever it is exactly) does not exist in a vacuum, unconnected to what it follows and oftens reacts against or to? i suddenly felt very naive and/or underconfident and almost a fraud. and i asked him why he came to me with this question, beyond the fact of a professional affiliation which is not, i realize, insignificant but maybe it is a bit superficial. and he said:

'because you are a dominating intelligentsia.'

i laughed at that because he doesn't know me at all and in my view i am not that and was a little rattled. but back to the concert at the temple, at the end of this unusual but fun conversation this fellow said,

'now what will happen is that you will find some cultural event for us to go to together.'

and i liked the mandate and i liked having a mandate. so when i heard about this concert of a band of which i'm a fan (though last night i was distracted and found it a bit uncompelling) i told him about it, invited him to come along. and i never heard from him again. it's odd how people pop in and out of the viewfinder.

back to jesus. my brother told me a story once about my niece and nephew who used a bathroom in a catholic church in their town. they came out with many questions about the iconography they saw there ('why is that man on a T?' is one i remember) and on the way home my brother was explaining to them about jesus, not proselytizing because he is not christian and also he's not the proselytizing sort, but trying to make them be openminded about other faiths and ideas. and they live in a city, not a town, really, where i don't know what the demographic make-up is but i expect it is somewhat more homogeneous than, say, nyc or la or sf, and my niece said something like

'jesus isn't a name. jesus is something you say when you're angry.'

these are the gifts we impart to the children.

so far

leap day stinks and i'm not yet showered. with a saving grace—the blue sky is encouraging.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


on the edge of your seat wanting to know the second fortune? if you are, you need some other hobbies. also, of course, if you're reading this, the order in which i post and the order in which you read are reversed chronologically so really there's no cliffhanger. that said, it read

You are given the chance to take part in an exciting adventure.

which does excite me. and is much better than that legendarily ambiguous fortune my friend got (and i'm fairly certain i've written about this before and am boring myself now to bits by taking all repeats) that said

Your smile is a welcome mat.

keep the aspidistras flying

i woke up this morning a little bit fuzzy on account of drink. not such a terrible fog that i couldn't go to the gym and sweat and felt better. nonetheless that persistent hangover induced bacon hunger has been addling me all day. but i have sworn off temporarily bacon and other pork products unless i'm at someone's house and that's what they serve or in case i decide the swearing off is over.

instead i went to get some chinese food—general tso's chicken—from a quite delicious fancy restaurant near my office. and then i got two fortune cookies. and they are chocolate. and i just ate one and the fortune reads as follows:

Take advantage of your great imagination. It will serve you well.

and now I must know what the other says...

what i love

leap year, or leap day, more precisely. feels like very special things should happen or be eaten or said. giddy like halloween or new years eve, or a birthday, in spite of (my) efforts to dismiss them as just another day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

where have you been, my old friend?

went to the eye doc today (sounds like an apple product) and they dilated my eyes and now i can't see so well. but it's coming back, slowly slow, so meantime i sit in a dark office with sunglasses on and typing. also, dual purpose herewith as i'm killing time. die!

dithering here and there, i feel honestly, truthfully that i oughtn't write about people for good or ill anymore. keep the karma close to the chest, if you will. and you will!

my no-longer-so-very-super-super is an odd bod. we spoke on the phone the other day, after he left a sweet message on valentine's day, and i felt during our phone call that it was wrong, after cooing my kittenish laugh into the portable receiver (those two of y'all out there of you must know me and my kittenish laugh) and subtle attempts to get him to say let's go out again, slush, which he may want to but may feel hemmed in by his belief in jesus and my not sharing that belief and also hemmed in by his being not the same as me in other ways (he pointed out on the tellie that i am the first white woman he's ever gone out with. 'you took my virginity,' is what he said and maybe it's somewhat signficant?), i felt it would be wrong, as i was trying to say some time earlier in this quite too long paragraph, to say in that same conversation 'by the way, the drain in the bathroom sink and the drain in the tub desparately need snaking. and no, that is NOT a euphemism.'

though. it could be. to quote john lennon, 'imagine:'

'hey baby, i need you to snake my drain.'

so, i did not say that to him. but. then i called him yesterday to say that expressly, one of those sometimes disappointing all business calls. but check it, a child answered and asked who was calling and i said, 'just one of the tenants,' and the child who i think sounded to be around 9 said, 'daddy's not home.' so i texted him the msg about clogged, unseemly drains and noted a child had answered.

and the thing is, i know he has a child, he told me, but the kid is supposed to be 14 and maybe that was the14 y.o., but it's a bit fishy. like sushi. to be consumed in extreme moderation what with those elevated mercury levels.

i see now clearly: i haven't kept the karma close in this case.

if you speak aloud the previous sentence without looking at the words (it requires very minimal memorization, i promise), you'll find an adept use of alliteration. i am nothing if not an expert alliterator. tell that to the fellas you fix me up with. i think it's a selling point.

(alliter-ate-her...i don't even know her!)

have i mentioned how much i love kanye west? i do. i proclaim it now.

pretend there is a section break right here.

my friend's mom set me up with a talent agent, er, manager (apparently you have to have a license to be an agent. i am not knowing that). and we chatted. and he seems dolce. but lives thousands of miles away. so there that went. and my sister has a set up for me too. must remind her about that. and tomorrow i am going to a concert of a band in which one of the members is super foxy. but i do believe he is attached. still, when i last saw him, he kissed me on the cheek. and i haven't washed that check ever again!

speaking of fandom. my eight year old niece told me she loves the beatles, told me 'i'm probably their biggest fan' which killed me for how wonderful she is.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

escape route

at some level my super wants to 'save' me in the very christian, baptismal sense. it's a hunch growing into full, erect posture.

Monday, February 11, 2008

saint val

that time of year again, right: romance, red window dressings, chocolate, kisses, arm tugs. on the subway yesterday was a young couple really earnestly gazing into each others' eyes, so besotted, but so self conscious about their mutual adoration. i was trying to read but this was so much more entertaining. in between kisses on the mouth, they would trade kisses on the cheek, high up near the ear, as if whispering a secret.

today i was trying to remember the name of the british guy i went out with last summer. i plum could not recall. still can't. something ordinary. did i even ever write about that? no reason to now. he was very explainy. everything was explained and explained. he wore his belt pulled up high, not one for the baggy panted look he. plus he really wanted me to try whatever it was he ordered and i really didn't want to and i was very afraid he was going to try to feed it to me. i am not that kind of gal, where i want a date to feed me food. he is the kind of guy who would think that was the living end in love matters.

anyways, neither here nor there or anywhere in between here and there. i had a date tonight with a fella, very nice, very sweet. it was our second date. i ate pad thai.

which reminds me of a joke my friend's twin used to say. in high school (so you can understand its sophistication)

'el-e-vate-or...i don't even know her!'

get it? works with any word that ends in 'er' or 'or' except or. used to think that was priceless.

my super super called the other day, i'm on the fence about whether to go out with him again. he's interesting and sweet but i hestitate. oops, some song by gorky's zygotic m...just popped into my head and i think i must go listen.